Below are some great videos about the Feldenkrais® Method. Feldenkrais® and Musicians: This is a wonderful video...
Office in Seattle!
I am now seeing clients in Seattle on Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 9:00pm. The office is in the Areis Building in...
Do our bodies change our minds?
Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist and an associate professor at Harvard Business School. In this Ted talk, she...
Wonderful Quotes
"We do not work with people’s problems, but with their health. Health as the capacity to recover from shock; the...
Standing Straight and Tall — Feldenkrais® ATM Video
Cathy Paine, a Feldenkrais® Practitioner, created this wonderful video called: Standing Straight and Tall. In this...
The Best Compliment Ever!
“I don’t know if I have ever had an athlete improve as fast as you do. You get the concepts. Not everybody gets the...
Feldenkrais® Method for Runners
At the conference, I enjoyed participating in the Filming Your Practice the Feldenkrais® Way Seminar taught by Linda...
Presenting at the annual Feldenkrais® conference
I was honored that I was asked to present at this years (2012) Annual FGNA Feldenkrais® Conference. I presented Feldy...